Thursday, January 31, 2008

Collage Time!

I think I'm going to try and make a collage a day, for inspiration. There is a lot of great stuff out there. Although I didn't keep track of where all these things came from (I probably should have), next time I'll try to.

Here's today's:

I'm going to google how to make this image larger without clicking on it.


ZOE RUIZ said...

Dear Jasmine,

I'm super stoked about your COLLAGE TIME.

It looks awesome, especially when I clicked on it.

Do you think as part of "Collage Time" you will do a collage of your artwork including photos that you have taken?


charissa said...

Those illustrations on the middle right of your collage are by Matte Stephens, whose art they sell at a cool furnishings shop in downtown Seattle. Love him!